Coffee House 4/5/2024

You’re invited to a

Coffee House!


WhoIndividuals with mental or physical

Disabilities ages 15 and up!

Sponsored by: CROSS Inc.

Please call and register if you plan to attend


Hosted by King Street Church


At the Baker Center

Enter from parking lot behind

King Street Church

162 East King Street



What is a Coffee House? It is a community based social event for the IDD community! For our April event we will be enjoying snacks and refreshments, time to socialize and make new friends followed by an acoustic concert performed by our friend Alice MacArthur!


When you call to sign up please let us know what your favorite song is so Alice can add it to her performance list!   

April 5th, 2024

7:00- 8:30 PM

Refreshments will be served.

No Charge